V1 Dice Syntax

This is the full syntax. Navigate to pages for specific syntax and examples / explanations.

X/Y/Z are integers. A and B are arbitrary Expressions.

XdYRolls X dice of Y size. 4d6 rolls 4 six-sided dice.
dYRolls a single die of Y size.
dY! XdY!Exploding dice. Rolling Y on a Y-sided die grants an additional die roll.
dY!Z XdY!ZExploding dice. Rolling Z or above on a Y-sided die grants an additional die roll.
XdYns XdY!nsDisable dice sorting.
A+B A-BArbitrary chains of addition and subtraction.
A*B A/BArbitrary chains of multiplication and division.
A++B A--BArbitrary chains of per-die addition and subtraction. Each value modifies each individual die roll. 4d6--2 rolls 4d6 with 2 subtracted from each.
(E)Parenthetic expressions
A<<BCounts the quantity of values in A that are lower than or equal to the value B. 10d6 << 3 counts the number of dice at 3 or below.
A>>BCounts the quantity of values in A that are greater than or equal to the value B. 10d6 >>4 counts the number of dice at 4 or above.
A<B A>=BEquality comparison on A and B. Must be the last operator ((1 < 2) * 5 is invalid, 1 < (2 * 5) is valid). Supported operators: < <= > >= =
BX GX WXBurning Wheel notation. Aliased to Xd6 >> Y where Y is determined by B/G/W. B=4, G=3, W=2.
BX! GX! WX!Burning Wheel open roll notation. Aliased to Xd6! >> Y where Y is determined by B/G/W. B=4, G=3, W=2.
dF XdFFate Dice notation. Rolls dice with values of -1, 0, 1. Represented by -, 0, and +.
XdYnsNo Sort. Does not sort the result of XdY in the output.
X#AEvaluates the expression A X times. Use for stat generation: 6#4d6d1
dYdZ XdYdZDrop dice notation. Drops the lowest Z dice from the result of XdY. Alias for XdYdlZ. May be used with ns and !.
dYdlZ XdYdlZDrop dice notation. Drops the lowest Z dice from the result of XdY. May be used with ns and !.
dYdhZ XdYdhZDrop dice notation. Drops the highest Z dice from the result of XdY. May be used with ns and !.
dYkZ XdYkZKeep dice notation. Keeps the highest Z dice from the result of XdY. Alias for XdYkhZ. May be used with ns and !.
dYkZ XdYkZKeep dice notation. Keeps the highest Z dice from the result of XdY. May be used with ns and !.
dYklZ XdYklZKeep dice notation. Keeps the lowest Z dice from the result of XdY. May be used with ns and !.
dYcZ XdYcZCritrange notation. Bolds all rolls greater than or equal to Z. Cannot be used with keep or drop notations.
2dYdaro 3dYtaro XdYaroDoubles/Triples/All-Same And Roll Over notation. "Explodes" when all dice match. Used for Tunnels and Trolls.